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How have online academies improved teacher’s life?

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How have online academies improved teacher’s life?

Sep 9, 2022 | eLearning, LMS

How have online academies improved teacher’s life?

Today’s kids are born, live and study in the digital era; therefore, it is time for teachers to step up with new technologies. However, this is not just the reason that educators should be part of the rising online education trend. The online industry is quite beneficial for teachers as well, personally and professionally. They can turn to e-learning for self-development, better teaching facilities and give a boost to their career.

In this blog, we will highlight the features of online education that help teachers improve their lives.

  1. Better work-life balance

    As per a study conducted by Hewlett-Packard, 92 per cent of the teachers believe they have a better work-life balance due to the online learning classes. The online education system allows them to focus on their career while giving adequate time to their family. Teachers can also focus on their health and give time to their other interests, which is almost impossible to do with offline classes. Moreover, respondents also mentioned that online classes save their commute time, due to which they can take more classes.

  2. Flexible working hours

    Flexibility is the feature associated with any kind of online work, and teaching is no different. In the case of the online academy, teachers can decide the class time as per their suitability or in discussion with students. However, they do not enjoy such freedom in the case of offline academies.Online learning management systems like Logicpad let teachers prepare their class timetable and teach the courses accordingly. Their chatbot feature comes in handy if changes have to be made on the spot. For example, if the class has to be postponed or prepone by an hour or so, students can be informed quickly via chatbot.

  3. Unlimited subjects

    Physical schools and colleges add only those subjects in their syllabus that most students love. However, there is no such barrier when it comes to online education. Today, you can find an online academy for any subject. You name it. In offline schools, not just the subjects are unlimited but courses/topics as well. They have prescribed courses, but in online learning, teachers can incorporate any number of chapters to the course that they think are important for students to understand the subject. Therefore, online learning platforms like LogicPad let teachers to design their own course, which is usually elaborated and includes concepts or chapters that students might not find in mass-produced books but are vital for them to have a knack for the subject.

  4. Creative teaching

    Teachers regularly face the challenge of becoming more versatile and creative to attract students’ attention. The online academy allows you to use а variety of online resources to develop creative study material for students. The online courses enable teachers to use any kind of creative learning tools to support their teaching method. Educators can impart real-world application of theory through multimedia, video, chat, etc. This makes education interesting not only for students but teachers also. For example, if you check out the chemistry chapters on LogicPad, you will find that most of them have interactive videos explaining the concept.

  5. Practicality

    In modern times of economic instability, education budgets are often taken for granted. Online learning is an excellent substitute for reduced access to teaching information and time consumed by student progress tracking. Teachers enjoy practical benefits in terms of time-based efforts and workload reduction.For example, using a LogicPad like LMS, teachers can easily create assignments, tests, quizzes and an ever-expanding question bank. Additionally, practical benefits include the ability to track the submission of digital assignments, create comprehensive performance reports and reuse or reconstruct the curriculum using new course templates.

  6. Start their own academy

    Online education is cost-effective as compared to offline education for students, and things are no different for teachers. Not every teacher can open an institute but starting an online academy is a dream that can come true for every teacher, thanks to LMS like LogicPad.Educators who wish to own an academy but are not able to do so because of budget constraints or limited knowledge fret not. LogicPad has ready-made templates to choose from and expert-designed courses to begin with. Also, you can share your website idea and see their experts bringing your academy to life.

  7. Design your own courses

    In physical classes, teachers have no choice but to follow the pre-decided curriculum. However, online academies give teachers complete freedom to create their own courses, and you can enjoy this benefit on the LogicPad. In fact, the LMS is a step ahead of its competitors because it has its own courses prepared by experts and also allows the teachers to design tier curriculum as per their knowledge and understanding.

  8. Record teaching sessions

    Certainly, a teacher has quite a number of lectures to give in a day. Not to mention, they have administrative work, test papers to check, and several other things on their plate. Amidst all this, finding even a little time for a student who was absent from the previous class, to brief up on the concept taught in the last class is difficult, if not impossible. However, teachers who take online classes do not face such problems because technology allows them to record their classes. The luxury of recording classes for future reference saves teachers from devoting additional time to arranging makeup lessons. In fact, now, students do not get just the crux of the concept, but they can understand the whole concept.

  9. Holistic professional growth

    Good teachers love to teach, but great educators also believe in constant learning. The e-learning resources help teachers in updating and constantly up their teaching game. And when you have your own online academy, you want a platform that also helps in the growth of your business. With Logic Pad’s SEO feature, teachers no longer have to worry about the development of their academy. LogicPad will help you not only in preparing courses and starting the academy but also in running it by ensuring its SEO optimisation.

  10. Teachers experience a fall in administrative work

    It is no secret that teachers spend more time filing papers and handling administrative jobs than they spend on teaching. In addition to planning lessons, they draft proposals, account for the school’s spending, and mark daily attendance. In other words, teachers have a lot of clerical duties on their list as schools streamline their procedures. With online teaching, fewer activities and events require paperwork. Technology automates most things, thereby giving teachers more time to teach rather than fussing over paperwork. For example, On LogicPad, digital certificates and badges are created automatically to acknowledge and appreciate students’ performance and achievement.

  11. Increases students’ access to teachers

    Teachers are often worried about weaker students who struggle to keep up with the pace of lessons taught to the rest of the class. Online learning lets students seek help from teachers more often than they otherwise would have. Teachers can easily identify and provide more guidance to students facing difficulties with the course content. It is a win-win for both. In fact, LMS helps teachers to know precisely in which course or chapter a student is weak. For example, LogicPad’s comprehensive report, which is easily accessible to teachers all the time, helps them quickly evaluate which student needs more attention.

  12. No geographical boundaries

    Online academies allow teachers to teach students that live in any part of the world, which is impossible in the case of offline classes, be it due to budget or otherwise. For example, an English language tutor is also in demand in countries like Spain, but students find it hard to find the same in their own country. Thanks to online learning, they can look for a teacher in other parts of the world and master the language of English.LogicPad is also open for teachers from around the world to impart the best education to students.


Online education has made it easier for educators to ease their life and grow their careers while creating a valuable educational experience for students. Learning management systems such as Qubitmind and LogicPad take care of tedious, time-consuming tasks so that teachers can take care of the parts of teaching they love most, i.e. educating students.


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